Welcome to my Website!!!!
My name is Eric RÃos, and I'm a data scientist graduating from Duke Master's in Interdisciplinary Data Science program in May 2024
I'm passionate about solving complex data science problems that can help people across all domains.
When not in front of a computer, I might be learning multiple languages, dancing in some other country, and building things, lots of things.
Next Goals :
1. AWS Certifications
2. Starting TRIO Workshops
3. Visit a Wolf Sanctuary
Spent doing data analysis across multiple areas. I worked as a TRIO data analyst and tutoring coordinator in that stint as well.
That I am looking forward to visit. Hackthon, FF concerts, and the Tokyo Game Show.
A confusing amount. Not even R or python, native Spanish, English, and picked up some N1 Japanese. Since being in MIDS, key phrases in Korean, Chinese, Hindi, Azerbaijani, Indonesian, Kazahk, Russian and Ruñacole. Here is a look at some of those friends.
Eric Rios, Data Scientist and Uncle

Thank you for stopping by!!! I have a few tabs around this page that I will populate with time.
Woo hoo!!! I have my own website!!!
I'll switch to Spanish briefly.
Para los hispanoparlantes, mucho gusto en conocerlos. Espero que estén bien. No duden en comunicarse. Ojalá podamos trabajar juntos en proyectos que nos necesitan. P.S. Hablemos mucho español.
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